9 Minute Chair Meditation Transcript

Transcripts are provided for those with hearing impairment or who may want to read instead of listen for other reasons. This text is copyright ©2020 Victoria K. Chapman of MorningTimbers.com.

This meditation is intended to help you take a break from your work, reset your mind, and relax. When you complete this meditation, I hope that you find yourself able to re-focus and feel refreshed to continue your day.

Start by finding a comfortable position in your chair. Sit with your shoulders back, maybe even reclined a little if you’re able to, so your chest is open and ready to breath. Place your feet flat on the floor to ground yourself.

When you are ready, close your eyes.

Start by breathing in deeply until your lungs feel pleasantly full. Hold for two seconds. Then, let your breath go, releasing all of the old air from your lungs. Do this again, breathing in for a count of 4 (1, 2, 3, 4), hold for 2 (1, 2), and breath out for 6 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Breath in again (1, 2, 3, 4), hold (1,2), release (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Breath in (1, 2, 3, 4), hold (1, 2), release (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Keep breathing in this pattern for a moment longer.

Now, return to a normal, but even breath.

Take a moment to listen to the sounds around you. What do you hear? A fan? Cars going by? The sound of a dog barking? The white noise of your computer? Open up your senses to take in all sounds. Recognize the sound, acknowledge its presence, and then release it.

Spend another moment here, taking in the sounds, recognizing them, then releasing them. Like a stone you’ve picked up on the beach. You look at it, admire it a little. Then, toss it away back into the water.

Now, return your mind to your breath. There is no need to change your breath, unless you are uncomfortable. Just feel it and acknowledge the beautiful job your body is doing at giving you oxygen. Thank your body for giving you the ability to breath and be. Your body works hard for you and deserves your love. Thank you, body.

Now, take a moment to focus on your heart center. This is the place in the center of your chest, near your sternum. Take a breath in, and feel the cool air coming into your lungs, into that heart center. Then, release that breath, feeling your heart center warm up again.

With each breath in and each breath out, imagine a glowing light coming from your heart center. What color is it? Is it a constant glow? Or does it change with each breath? Play with your heart center’s light for a moment as you follow your breath.

Your heart center is where your love and compassion lives. Allow yourself to feel love and compassion with each breath. Love for yourself. Love for your friends and family. Love for the people you work with on a daily basis. Love for the people who’s lives you affect through your work. You make a difference, whether in big ways or small. Let your love and compassion guide you as you continue through your day.

Now, return your breath to normal, and focus on your feet. Wiggle your toes slowly. Move your ankles. Start to bend and unbend your knees. Slowly sit forward. Gently, open your eyes. 

Take a moment to look around the room. What looks different? Pause to reflect on how you feel. 

As you continue your day, I hope you feel refreshed and re-focused. Thank you for joining me.

This meditation was brought to you by Morning Timbers, reflections on mindfulness in daily life. For more reflections on mindfulness and mindfulness resources, visit www.morningtimbers.com

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