Meditation for Love and World Healing

Transcripts are provided for those with hearing impairment or who may want to read instead of listen for other reasons. This text is copyright ©2020 Victoria K. Chapman of

Welcome to this meditation on love and world healing.

Meditation and mindfulness are practices that helps us as individuals find peace and clarity in our lives. But, they can also help the rest of the world and the people around us. Our own emotions have an impact on the people we interact with daily, and in turn, their emotions affect others. It is a ripple affect that eventually reaches out to the whole world. The more we find peace and healing for ourselves, the more we can share that with others. We are all connected in this way. We’ll use this time to find peace within, and then let that sense of peace radiate out to those around us.

You may sit, lie down, recline, or get into any comfortable position that works for you. Make any adjustments you need to be completely comfortable.

Start by bringing your attention to your breath. 

Breath slowly in and slowly out.

Feel your lungs and belly expand as you breath in, and feel them relax as you breath out.

Breath in, expanding.

Breath out, releasing.

Breath in, expanding.

Breath out, releasing.

Observe this cycle of expanding and releasing as you breath for a few moments longer.

Now, if you are able to, place your hands over your heart.

Continue breathing, expanding and releasing. 

As you breath in, imagine a warm, glowing light inside of your heart. 

With each in-breath, your heart becomes brighter. 

That light is your love and kindness. 

With each in-breath, let the warmth and light radiate through your entire being. 

As the light and warmth expands with your in-breath, feel it move through your chest and torso. 

Then, down into your legs.

The light also expands upwards into your shoulders and arms. 

Then, right down through to your fingertips.

The light continues to expand upward, into your head and face.

As the warmth makes its way to your face, you can feel it causing a smile to spread across your lips.

Continue to breath and feel this light and warmth for a moment longer.

Continue to hold on to the feeling of light and warmth inside your body and being.

As this feeling radiates through you, focus again on your heart center.

Let the light and warmth bring you a great feeling of love and happiness.

With that feeling of love, wish yourself well, by saying inside your mind:

“May I feel love. May I feel happiness. May I be well and safe. May my life be full and plentiful.”

Now, you are ready to spread that sense of warmth, light, and love to others.

Think of someone in your life who you care for very much. 

This is someone you love with all of your heart. 

See their face smiling back at you.

As you breath in, feel the light and warmth inside your heart again.

Let it grow with each in-breath until you can see it form into a bright ball shape.

That ball is your love from the deepest parts of your heart.

Now, imagine you are taking that ball of light and love from your heart and giving it to that person you care for.

Smile and gently place the ball inside of their heart, offering your love to them.

As you offer your light, warmth, and love, wish this person well by saying inside your mind:

“May you feel love. May you feel happiness. May you be well and safe. May your life be full and plentiful.”

Now, return to your breath and your heart center.

As you breath in, expand your warm light back out so it radiates from your heart again.

Continue to breath for a moment longer, expanding your heart center with light and warmth.

Now, with your heart center full of loving warm light again, see in your mind a person or group of people you don’t necessarily know, but wish to send kindness to. 

It can be the homeless person you saw on the street, the person bagging your groceries for you at the store, the children you saw playing down the street, or perhaps a friend of a friend who you know is suffering right now. 

Whoever you picture in your mind, send your warmth, light, and love to them.

As you did before, grow your heart center’s light into a glowing ball. 

When your ball feels warm, full, and radiant, move it from your heart center and offer it to the person or people in your mind.

Gently place the ball inside their heart and offer your love to them.

Wish them well by saying inside your mind:

“May you feel love. May you feel happiness. May you be well and safe. May your life be full and plentiful.”

Return again to your breath, expanding your heart center as you breath in.

Grow your warm light back again as you breath so it radiates with love as it did before.

With your heart center full of warm light again, now imagine in your mind a person or group of people who have caused you strife, pain, or suffering. Perhaps you feel some resentment toward them, maybe anger, or fear. 

It may not be easy to do, however, sending love to those who cause us pain can be a healing experience for you, and for them.

Often, when someone hurts us, they are also hurting inside themselves.

It is important to feel safe when confronting pain and suffering. 

Before you begin to approach the person or people in your mind, imagine a glowing white light surrounding your entire body and being.

This light is your forcefield of love. This forcefield will protect you and bring you calm and clarity.

No negative feelings can reach you through this forcefield. 

No one can hurt you.

This light surrounding you feels warm, comforting, and protective.

You are safe.

Now, continue to breath into your heart center, growing the ball of warm light as you did before.

With your protective forcefield of light in place, breath and grow your ball of light as big as you comfortably can.

Now, approach the person or people in your mind.

Smile and offer the ball of warm light to them and wish them well.

After gently placing the ball inside their heart, say to them inside your mind:

“May you feel love. May you feel happiness. May you be well and safe. May your life be full and plentiful.”

Again, return to your breath and your own heart center.

With each in-breath, grow your warm light of love, surrounding your heart and easing your soul.

As you breath and your heart center becomes full again with warm light and loving kindness, we will now focus on sending loving light to all beings on the Earth.

Grow your heart light as you did before, as large as you comfortably can.

Remember, your heart light is regenerative, so don’t be afraid to share generously.

Imagine in your mind our amazing blue planet, Earth. 

Our planet is full of beautiful life–plants, animals, and a diverse and rich wealth of people and cultures.

But, there is also suffering among this beauty that needs healing.

Once again, pick up your glowing ball of light from your heart, this time, offering it to the Earth and all life upon it.

Gently place your glowing light inside the center of the Earth, her heart. 

As you continue to breath, watch your warm heart light expand outward from the center of the Earth. 

With each breath, the light grows larger and brighter.

As the warm light of love grows, you can see it spreading across the land, the ocean, the mountains, rivers, trees, plants.

And as you continue to breath, the light continues expanding, touching each animal, from the smallest insects, to the largest whales, expanding within each of their hearts.

Watch as your love continues to grow, lighting up the planet, now spreading to all people across the Earth. Your heart light touches their heart lights. Each unique and special person, from the smallest baby, to the oldest member of a family, receives your loving warm light.

Breath in, feeling your own heart light expand further. And as you breath, watch the heart light of each person on Earth expand too.

Your love is infinite.

Feel that love all around.

Now, come back to your own heart. 

Slowly, gently, come back in from the world to the center of your own being again.

Feel your body wherever it is—in your chair, on your bed, or couch. Wherever you are, begin to feel again the place where your body is sitting.

Take one long, deep breath. Then, release it. Releasing your breath and releasing your worries.

Return to a normal breath now.

Wiggle your fingers a little. And then your toes.

Slowly move your body in any way that feels comfortable to bring you back to your physical being.

Be gentle with yourself as you move.

And then gently open your eyes.

Smile to yourself. You have done some amazing healing work today. You deserve to give yourself love as you have given to others.

I hope you enjoyed this journey of love and world healing. 

And that you continue to take with you through the rest of your day the feelings of warmth, light, and love.

Thank you for joining me.

This meditation was brought to you by Morning Timbers, reflections on mindfulness in daily life. For more reflections on mindfulness and mindfulness resources, visit

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